Bureaucratic Management Theory
A theory of two essential elements. First, it entails structuring an organization into a hierarchy. Secondly, the organization and its members are governed by clearly defined rational-legal decision-making rules.
This theory was advocated by Max Weber. He focused on the structure of organization. He considered that highest degree of efficiency can be attained through this approach. By using this approach it is possible to take control over human beings.
Its characteristics are:
1. There is the
rigidity of official behaviour
2. There is
resistance to the adoption of innovations and change
3. There is
rigidity of rules and regulations
4. The decision is
taken by a hierarchy of officers and officials;
5. There is the
leveling of talent. This scheme tends to reduce the performance of bright
workers to the level of mediocrity
6. The consequence is the ‘red tape7 which is never in the
straight line. All feel entrapped and helpless.
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